Around the World at Augustana

Around the World at AU

Augustana University is home to one of the largest study-abroad programs in the region. As a student, you can choose from 600+ programs throughout more than 70 countries, and more than half of our students study away before they graduate.

High school seniors who are interested in studying abroad at AU are invited to our Around the World event. You’ll experience a glimpse of the opportunities by learning more about travel programs and talking with professors who lead trips abroad. The event will also include a cultural food fair!

Save the Date

  • Saturday, Feb. 8, 2025 | 10 a.m. - Noon | Register by Feb. 3, 2025
Students in Costa Rica

Around the World Study-Abroad Stipend

Participants of the Around the World event are invited to apply for a $2000 study abroad stipend. In the registration form you will be asked if you are interested in applying for the stipend. If you are applying for the stipend you will interview at the conclusion of the event on Feb. 8.  

Around the World study-abroad stipend eligibility:

  • Applicants must attend the event. Those unable to attend in person should contact their admission counselor for information about eligibility for special circumstances.
  • Applicants must be admitted to Augustana University by Feb. 3, 2025, and enroll at Augustana as a full-time, first-year student beginning in the Fall 2025 semester.