
Why study classics?

Students who study the classical Mediterranean world investigate the foundations of Western civilization, where religious thought, legal codes, drama, literature — even the writing of history itself — took shape.

  • Greek is taught with attention to both the biblical and classical context and satisfies seminary prerequisites in the language, and Latin still functions as a valuable adjunct for work in history, religion, English, law and medicine. 
  • The rigorous challenges of the curriculum provide excellent preparation for many occupations because of the rigorous thinking, writing and communication skills.
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students in Greece


Classics graduates have secured careers as archival specialists, museum directors, government cultural resource managers, translators, non-profit grant writers, writers and lawyers.

Hands-On Learning  

Internship opportunities include:

  • Center For Western Studies
  • Metropolitan Museum of Art
  • Washington Pavilion

Faculty members collaborate with students on research projects in areas such as biblical storytelling, theology and medicine, environmental studies and global ethics.

Classics students study away in:

  • Greece — focusing on the roots of Western civilization with AU faculty
  • Greece — focusing on culture, health and well-being with AU faculty
  • Spain and Morocco — focusing on Arab, Christian and Jewish legacies with AU faculty

Courses & Organizations

Classics courses center on Greek and Latin language, electives, independent study, and departmental classes in philosophy and religion.

Classics students often participate in: