Career & Graduate School Coaching

Career & Graduate School Coaching at AU

The Augustana University Student Success Center (SSC) helps students make their desired career a reality. Success specialists work with faculty advisors to generate opportunities for volunteering, job shadowing, interviews and hands-on learning to fine-tune students' career aspirations. The SSC works with students to prepare resumes, cover letters, CVs and personal statements for internship, job and graduate school applications. The center also conducts mock interviews as students prepare for the next steps in their journey.

AU Students on Campus

Finding a Job or Internship

Augustana success advisors support students in their internship or job search by helping them create application materials that showcase their Augustana education and experience. Success advisors review resumes, cover letters and LinkedIn profiles to ensure they represent students in the best possible way. Success specialists can also provide networking opportunities and prepare students by conducting mock interviews with comprehensive feedback so they are ready for their big day. Augustana students can also find robust career resources at in the SSC area of the Academics tab.


Needs-Based Funds for Transportation

Through a partnership with the Augustana Student Association (ASA), the Augustana SSC Needs-Based Fund provides limited financial support to currently enrolled students who are unable to meet travel expenses for a job or internship due to financial hardship.

Students Walking on Campus

Applying for Grad School

Some career fields require further study. For other career fields, the answer is less clear. To evaluate reasons for wanting to go to graduate school, student should ask the following questions: 

  • Do my career goals require an advanced degree? 
  • Am I looking for a specialized degree only obtainable through graduate school? 
  • Do I have the motivation and desire to commit to the time and effort demanded by graduate school programs? 
  • Is it better for me to go to graduate school part-time or get some work experience first?

Students can often come to a decision after speaking with professionals in their field and should consider searching for an alum on LinkedIn who has taken a similar path. Students should make an appointment with their academic advisor and success advisor in the Augustana SSC to come up with a plan. 

Graduate Ceremony Hooding 2023-24