Nick Jackson, M.S.

Nick Jackson, M.S.

Instructor of Education

Sharon Lust School of Education


M.S. in Educational Leadership, 2013, Teachers College, Columbia University; B.A. in Elementary Education, 2008, Augustana College


Nick Jackson joined Augustana as an instructor of education in 2021. He teaches EDUC 260: Integrating Movement, Mindfulness and the Arts into the Elementary Classroom; EDUC 275: Teach, Learn, Connect; and EDUC 355: Human Relations in Education. Jackson has been an educator for 14 years in a variety of settings, including in traditional, charter and independent schools spanning from Pennsylvania, to Colorado, to South Dakota. He earned a bachelor's degree from Augustana, and master's from Teachers College, Columbia University in New York City. He has served as a teacher, instructional coach and founding principal. His most difficult and rewarding work, however, has been as a stay-at-home parent for his two children, June and Charlie. Nick and his wife, Kristina (also an Augustana grad) enjoy traveling, riding their bikes, playing volleyball at the park, overly competitive game nights with friends and performing in their radio show, the Midtown Coffee Radio Hour.