
Kerry Volansky

Clinical Instructor of DPT

School of Health Professions

Kristin Boe

Clinical Instructor of DPT

School of Health Professions

Laura Alexander

Clinical Instructor of DPT

School of Health Professions

Lauren Zwikelmaier

Clinical Instructor of DPT

School of Health Professions

Lina Kleinschmidt

Clinical Instructor of DPT

School of Health Professions

Lindsay Perry, PT, DPT

Associate Professor of Physical Therapy

School of Health Professions

Logan Rodgers

Clinical Instructor of DPT

School of Health Professions

Lori Kehoe

Clinical Instructor of DPT

School of Health Professions

Lydia Van Vleet

Clinical Instructor of DPT

Mallory Kargela

Associate Professor of DPT

School of Health Professions